
In the heart of Lisbon, a neighbourhood steeped in history and emotion was relegated to the shadows of its own existence during the reconstruction of 2001, losing its soul to urbanisation. Once a place of solidarity, social life and shared stories, the relocation inflicted a deep wound on the residents and robbed them of their former community. Today, the ‘bairro da Curraleira’ still exists, but it has lost its voice and its vitality. The residents are fighting to preserve their memories. A series of photographs captures the current uncertainty and resilience of those who dream of finding their lost community again. Sometimes they feel like weeds, unwanted and neglected in a city that is constantly changing. This series echoes these challenges, reflecting the writings on the walls of the neighbourhood, the fragility of the buildings, the anonymity of the residents and the signs of damp. It serves as a poignant reminder of the vulnerability of communities to urban development and the importance of preserving collective memory, even in the ruins of the past.


Steven da Cruz Goncalves (*1996) is a visual artist of Portuguese origin, born in Luxembourg. In 2012, he began studying visual arts at the Lycée des Arts et Métiers in Luxembourg, before graduating in General Design at the IADE in Lisbon. He also lived in Athens to perfect his skills in visual arts and design. He recently graduated with a master's degree from Saint-Luc in Brussels, specialising in the plastic, visual and spatial arts. He also won RTL's Generation Art competition and has already exhibited at Waassertuerm + Pomhouse and EMOP in Neimënster and YLA. Co-founder of La Concierge ASBL, he promotes emerging artists in Luxembourg.