
In the Destinesia photo series, Joerg Auzinger creates visual and thematic spaces that go beyond superficial observation and serve as food for thought. Associations and memories are given space, whereby the perception of reality is scrutinised. Auzinger's photographs operate on a meta-level and open up individual interpretations. He positions the motifs of his works between fictional visual worlds, personal memories and quotations from art history. Metaphors encode the pictorial content and invite creative contemplation. Destinesia illuminates the complex relationship between man, nature and technology.

The term Destinesia is a portmanteau of ‘Destiny’ and ‘Amnesia’, which describes a mental digression in which the original goal is forgotten. In the context of the series, the title refers to the fact that the images create spaces in which viewers can rethink their connection to the world. The photo series focuses on the relationship between humans, nature and technology.

In Destinesia, a world unfolds beyond the visible levels that encourages reflection. The photographs open up spaces for associations and memories that challenge our perception of reality. Each image invites an individual interpretation by elevating visual information to a meta-level. The photos encourage us to enter the realm of associations and question common concepts of reality. Destinesia reaches beyond visual and thematic compositions and serves as an impulse for reflection on pressing social issues.


Joerg Auzinger (*1972) studied media art under Peter Weibel at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Prior to that, he completed the Department of Audiovisual Media and Photography at the Ortweinschule for Art & Design in Graz as a student of Richard Kriesche and Branko Lenart. Additionally, Joerg Auzinger pursued film directing at the Vienna Film Academy under the guidance of Professor Axel Corti. Auzinger transforms digital media's influence on communication through interactive installations, photos, and objects. His art explores self-perception, reality construction, and societal shifts across media, blending contemporary issues with cultural nods. Auzinger invites playful engagement in his installations, weaving user interaction to explore individual realities in our tech-driven communication society.