With support of the Ministry of Culture
The exhibition tells a story in pictures that causes excitement. All photographs convince by their diversity, their unique and lively snapshot-quality as well as their originality.
They are beautiful - these animals - although sometimes bizarre, fast or reserved in their movements, elegant, yet most often discrete.
Their coats shine and feel soft when touching.
The predator's step - he also exists in their world - is silent, the graceful hunting although merciless.
Some have a magical ability, so envied by us humans: the ability to fly, to cheat gravity with unprecedented simplicity and lightness! Animals are creatures that often go unnoticed. Their nature is complex, but wild! In our jealousy over their skills that are not ours, we have qualified and jugded them as primitive. To escape our obsession with dominance, they eventually turned from humans to live in a parallel universe.
But this autumn - for four weeks - they came back to occupy exceptionally the rooms of the former ‘Hôtel du Parc'. The confrontation with humans is inevitable!

Passion © Eugène Reiter