What makes a human life? It can be seen as a variable entity, made up of different elements - known as memories and experiences - collected in a linear chronology and attaching themselves like chemical molecules, one to another, to form a more or less coherent whole.
Life is structured into episodes, divided into repetitive, logical, unforeseeable phases, until it is interrupted ...
It is a story, yet does not write itself; it plays out directly in a real and ephemeral time. Each story leaves visible traces, sometimes on photosensitive paper. This substrate has great narrative potential. It focuses on individuals, their surroundings and their development in space and time: all captured in a private album. Its compilation is motivated by the sole desire to freeze a moment in time, to capture an instant like a tangible object, part of a collection ... Throughout private albums, the same images repeat themselves: births, birthday celebrations, weddings, holidays ... The iconography is identical, the narration personal, individual, unique.
Texte : Annick Meyer
Translation by Claire Weyland
Exhibition view

@ CDI, 2017