Of all the black and white
The photographic installation by Ina Schoenenburg features excerpts from four different image series:
> Flashback > Blickwechsel > Portraits > Schmale Pfade
Despite this, the photographs on display all appear "related" to one another. The images question humans' perception of reality, as well as the external and social impacts affecting this relationship or casting new doubt on it.
The photographer depicts a free and easy life, as well as journeys that stray from the familiar path. She documents the dark side of human expectations and the limits of a reality that is both objectively defined and subjectively perceived. Finally, she unmasks the errors of judgement and ignorance of today's society with regard to inconvenient and uncomfortable truths that call into question the system and its functioning. Ina Schoenenburg's images feature strong individual stories, alongside weakened destinies in danger of succumbing to reality.
Texte : Annick Meyer
Translation: C. Weyland
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© CDI 2017