Once time only
"Once time only" is a metaphor of the finiteness of all things and living creatures. Corinne Mercadier expresses what is a categorical fact, the universally acknowledged inescapable principle of life: the beginning of every story inexorably leads to its end.
Disregarding its ontological and slightly oppressive reality, the photographic series comes across as subtle, ambiguous, joyful and dreamlike. The figurative motifs recount the mythical tales of the wind, this mystifying and unbridled phenomenon that eludes the eye, time and gravity. Here the wind is attired in human clothing, wrapped in a delicate light envelope tailor-made by the photographer. For an ephemeral and magical instant, this garment provides a body to the shapeless element. With its new silhouette, the wind transforms into a player and a hunter in its encounters with human beings. The momentum of its flight encompasses everything: euphoria, magic, mystery, dreams, adventure, desire, energy, strength and much more. Its complicity with anonymous individuals is sketchy and fleeting, its appearance a one-off, its disappearance forever.
English translation by Claire Weyland
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© CDI 2016